Dear friends of the seminary,


I am taking this idea from Fr. Benedict Hughes, CMRI, who writes a short weekly blog on the St. Joseph’s Minor Seminary website:


While I don’t intend to do a weekly write up, nevertheless, I thought it would be good to give a little update every now and then on what is happening at the seminary, in addition to the updates that you can find in our monthly seminary newsletter, Adsum.


Ordinations to the major and minor orders are scheduled to take place next week for our seminarians on December 12th, the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. The ceremony will begin at 8 am and take place at Mary Immaculate Church in Omaha, Nebraska. We will try to make sure it is live streamed on our seminary Youtube channel for anyone who is interested in watching. 


Frater Martin Sentman, CMRI (Michigan), Kyle St. Aubin (Canada), Lucas Costa (Brazil), Richard Lauricella (Washington), Thomas Netzel (Washington), and Anthony Alley (South Dakota) will be receiving minor orders. Franz Trauner and Leopold Trauner, both from Austria, will be receiving the major order of subdiaconate. We ask you to please keep them in your prayers as they are currently on retreat this week.


We have also added during this season of Advent, a page that has the Advent devotions that are prayed at the seminary. You will also find there a short explanation of the O Antiphons along with the novena in preparation for Christmas. At the bottom of the page, you can hear one of the recordings, Behold a Mystical Rose, from our Sursum Corda Christmas CD.


Praying that you all have a grace-filled season of Advent. You all are remembered in our daily prayers and sacrifices here at the seminary. God bless you!


Fr. Carlos Borja

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